First we will create Task definitions to run monolith
Go to ECR
Back to interface ECS
In the interface Monolith-Definition-STACK_NAME revision 1. We will create a new revision.
Configure the OS and amount of CPU and memory
Configure Container
)Configure Log collection
key.Finish creating a new revision
In the Monolith-Definition-STACK_NAME console UI:
In the Deploy interface
In the Deployment configuration section
Configure Networking
Create task successfully
Select the task you just created and select Networking.
Make a browser access
Execute the curl command on the CLI of your IDE
curl http://TASK_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS/mysfits
Select the task you just created and select Logs
Using AWS CloudWatch to View Log events
Open the CloudWatch Console
Select monolith log group (STACK_NAME-MythicalMonolithLogGroup-XXX)
After running the curl (step 15) command successfully, we can delete the task
If asked, type Stop to verify and click on Stop
Delete task successfully.
Delete the HTTP port 80 rule you have created for the default Security group of the VPC in this lab’s stack.