Build Docker Image

  1. Access to ECR
  • Select Repository
  • Export 2 repositories STACK_NAME-like-XXX and STACK_NAME-mono-XXX

 Microservices with AWS Fargate

  1. Now will build like service
 cd ~/environment/amazon-ecs-mythicalmysfits-workshop/workshop-1/app/like-service
 LIKE_ECR_REPOSITORY_URI=$(aws ecr describe-repositories | jq -r .repositories[].repositoryUri | grep like)
 docker build -t like-service .

 Microservices with AWS Fargate

  1. Successfully execute docker image build then push to ECR with the latest tag.
 docker tag like-service:latest $LIKE_ECR_REPOSITORY_URI:latest
 docker push $LIKE_ECR_REPOSITORY_URI:latest

 Microservices with AWS Fargate

  1. Executing the push successfully.

 Microservices with AWS Fargate

  1. Check pushed image in STACK_NAME-like-XXX

 Microservices with AWS Fargate